A genuine encounter with Jesus changes everything about us. Look at Zacchaeus, a rich man who seemed to have it all—money, power, success, and all that comes with it (including the hatred of people). But with everything Zacchaeus had, he was still curious about one thing: Jesus. As we get to know Zacchaeus more, we see his deep curiosity and need revealed. Being too short to see over the crowds, Zacchaeus was driven by his desire to encounter Jesus to run ahead and climb a tree in hopes that Jesus would see him. Not only did Jesus see Zacchaeus, but He called him by name and asked if He could eat in his home! Likewise, Jesus desires to personally encounter and know you.



With all we hope to achieve, buy, and own in our lives, there will always be a God-shaped void we’re attempting to fill—until we meet the only true God who can fill it. Your efforts to know more of Jesus are always worth it. When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, he was given salvation, forgiveness, generosity, and love. What are you looking for? What are you seeking, hoping that it will fulfill your curious desires?

Luke 19:10 tells us what Jesus is looking for: “The Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Jesus is looking for the lost—for those who are curious, seeking, empty, and confused—just like Zacchaeus, and just like many of us. And He lovingly ­desires to personally encounter and know you. Let’s learn from Zacchaeus and follow our God-shaped curiosity to Jesus, who is looking to save us who are seeking. And let’s pray that we will continue to pursue God so that He might fill that void that only He can fill.

