Atheists say that there is no God. Muslims believe that Allah is God. Hindus say that there are millions of gods. Others say that we ourselves are gods. Most of our modern culture suggests that living in the moment is our god. So what is the truth about God? If He exists, how do we get to Him? And if we can get to Him, for how long? (We all die eventually, right?)
Jesus’ disciples struggled with these age-old questions too. And Jesus answered them with a single statement: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus told them this so that they would not be troubled before His death. Do you go to Jesus to answer your biggest questions about life? Jesus, who is God, claims to be ultimate truth. He, then, is the one we need to seek in order to find answers not just about life but also about eternal life.
Although the disciples grew up in a different time, they were swimming in a sea of propaganda and countless mixed messages just like we are today. There are a million different voices trying to tell us what the truth is, and the common message we end up hearing is “Whatever the truth is to you, that’s the ultimate truth.” How do we know which voice is right?
Imagine how confused the disciples must have been when they heard that Jesus was going away (John 13). They were probably asking, “Jesus, why are You leaving us alone in this painful and crazy world?” and “I thought we were supposed to follow You . . . but now You’re leaving us?” They must have felt abandoned. And Thomas said what a lot of us would have been thinking: “Lord, we have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5).
Jesus knows our hearts can get incredibly confused. In this scene, He shows real care and guidance for His disciples. First, He reassures them: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me” (John 14:1). Second, He gives them hope of His return: “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am” (John 14:3). Third, He gives them instructions based on His divine identity: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). God gives our confused, troubled minds the answer we’re looking for: Himself. His words are true, and He has not left us without the guidance of His Word and His promise to return for those who believe in Him.
Jesus answers the deepest questions humankind has explored for all of history: Is there a God? Who is He? How can we know Him and live forever?
Each of us is like a troubled person in a dark room hearing a million different voices and not knowing who or what to follow. But then Jesus boldly breaks through the confusion and tells us that He is the only true way to know and be with God.
Trust in Him. You don’t have to go on living with a confused and troubled heart. Jesus doesn’t want you to walk through life lost. He is truth, and in His Word, He has provided us with everything we need to grow in and walk in God’s ways. Even though life is confusing and full of so-called truths that are counter to His way, Jesus leads us directly to our Creator and Father in heaven when we place our trust in His truth-filled voice.