Faith in Christ was not lip service for Stephen. He served the church and the communities of Jerusalem faithfully, even in the face of death. He served God even when the enemies of the church wanted him to stop, and he wasn’t afraid to suffer for Jesus. He fearlessly preached the gospel in love and truth, and his listeners stoned him to death. But Stephen knew there was a greater hope beyond the dusty street where he died in Jerusalem. He knew that living and dying for Christ would be worth it.

Stephen offers us a powerful example of someone who lived and died serving the Lord faithfully. God used Stephen’s death to grow the church and spread the gospel. He can also use the trials we face as opportunities to show the world what real faith in a real God looks like. Let’s not back ­down—­let’s be unashamed of Christ no matter the circumstances.



The gospel was spreading through both good and hard times in the early church. In fact, it seems that the harder the times were, the more God’s church spread. But suffering is never easy. We may read about the death of Stephen and want to shrink back in our faith, thinking, I don’t ever want to be persecuted for my faith—much less killed! Yet by filling him with His Spirit, God prepared and empowered Stephen for both his humble, faithful service of the church during his life and the moment of martyrdom he faced on the day of his death.

This is one of the most important truths we can draw from Stephen’s story: God can use us in powerful ways when He fills us with His Spirit, His truth, and a love for people (even our enemies!). You may be rejected. You may be mocked. You may face terrible trials for Christ’s name. But faith shines brightest in the darkest of times, and God will prepare you for the task. Your submission to His will, no matter the cost, will always be used by Him to display who He is to this needy, ­Christ-­opposing world. How can suffering grow you in maturity in your faith in Christ?


Philip the Evangelist