“You don’t know me!” That’s often what we say when we are challenged by someone. The woman at the well was shocked when Jesus, a stranger to her, knew all about her broken life. He knew that she had gone from man to man, had broken marriages time after time, and had a bad reputation. The woman saw that He knew her intimately. Then Jesus took the conversation to a deeper place and addressed her real needs. Not only did He know her story, but He also knew her need for what He called “living water”—and He offered it to her: “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water” (John 4:10).
Jesus wants all who are thirsty for the deep satisfaction of eternal life and forgiveness to come to Him. In Him we find water for a new life. He, the Messiah and Savior, takes broken people and makes them new.
Where was the “well” where God met you? God has a wide spectrum of ways to get our attention. Did He use a person to call you out on your need for Him? Did He use circumstances to show you who He is?
The woman at the well was not satisfied in life. She had tried and tried to find what she wanted, but five men later, she was still searching. Then, after meeting Jesus, the Messiah, she ran to the very town that probably looked down on her and said, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” (John 4:29). She had met Jesus, and that meant that she had met the Living Water who would satisfy all her needs in the present and for eternity.
No matter what means God uses to meet us, we will know it is Him when we are pointed to the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus made known to the woman at the well and her whole town that day that the Savior of the world had come. And He came to save us! Have you believed in this Living Water and received the eternal life offered by Jesus Christ?