Take note of Hebrews 1:3: “He sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.”
Why is it hard for us to stand back, look at the grand scheme of the story of humans, and see that there is an incredibly powerful creator and sustainer behind it all? It’s because we have sight problems. We don’t see God’s power as clearly as we should.
The book of Hebrews readjusts our perspective and puts our focus back on God and His incredible power. God not only brought time, space, the universe, the earth, animals, and us into existence “by the mighty power of his command,” but He also sustains everything by that same command.
God is powerful, beyond anything else we’d typically describe with that word. The might of the ocean, the depth of powerful emotions, the stars burning wildly in the galaxy—they do not compare to His might. God defines real and ultimate power.
We are often enamored with power when it’s displayed in certain people or systems. What wows you? Is it a celebrity who seems to do and have everything he wants? Is it an athlete who pulls off a move and makes the crowd go wild? Or is it something in creation, like a storm so violent you can’t help but feel small in it?
We humans are made to worship. We don’t worship what seems smaller than us. So when we find ourselves lacking in awe of God and callous about worshiping Him, it’s because our perspective isn’t correct. When we’re in this place, we worship things that can’t even compare to God’s power.
In Mark 4:35-41, the disciples saw Jesus shut up a storm, and this made them realize who was in the boat with them—the Son of God! Maybe, like them, we need some perspective cleaning in our lives. Listen to Hebrews and let God repaint a powerful picture of who He is.
Who doesn’t want to be on the side of power? All of us want to be on the team that’ll win. We want a leader who won’t be defeated, especially in this world where all we have to do is look at the news to see that evil seems to be winning all over the place.
God is the one who will ultimately be victorious over all His—and our—enemies. He is all powerful. Demons shriek in the presence of Jesus, in the end the devil will be cast away from God’s people forever, and there will come a time when evil authorities and rulers will never oppress God’s people again. Why? Because God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is the powerful, victorious King of kings. His name will be lifted higher than anyone else’s name when God’s plan takes full effect.
God calls us to join Him and be on the side of perfectly used power. Let Him be your leader. Join Him, believing that He is powerful and deserves your allegiance. Worship and love Him for who He is—greater than all our enemies.